I can honestly say these Nathan James Bailey Boucle Upholstered Rattan Bar Stools are hands down my favorite home decor find of 2024! It’s been six months since I got them, and they’ve continued to be a staple in my kitchen, even after we moved! I thought I’d finally share just how much I love them (and why they’re worth every penny).
If you’ve been following along, you might remember that I originally found these barstools on Aliexpress. I was beyond excited, but when I moved, I realized I needed two more to fill my space. Unfortunately, Aliexpress cancelled two of my orders, so I had to go on the hunt again. It worked out because the stools I found the exact same ones on Amazon and they were on Prime!
There’s just something about a statement barstool that elevates a space. I love how they compliment the arches in our pantry! Not to mention, they are super comfy and surprisingly easy to clean!
Would I buy them again? Absolutely. They’ve held up so well and continue to be my favorite decor find of the year!
Lauren Emily Wiltse
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