I can’t believe I started this blog 10 years ago! I have shared so many milestones with you guys over the last decade. I remember writing a blogpost about my husband (boyfriend at the time) and I moving into our first apartment five years ago. It feels like yesterday! Fast forward and my husband I moved into a new home and a new part of town! Life has been a whirlwind, but it’s also been so good!
We are in the thick of unpacking, decorating, and doing all the usual holiday things. The holidays may not be the best time to move, but we had slowly been looking for a new home for a year and fell in love with this one in September! It worked out that we moved in about a week and a half ago after selling our old home. It is bittersweet to leave our last place, where we got engaged, adopted two pups, and had so many memories. I am so excited for all the new things to come in this home though!
I feel so blessed to have this incredible life. Thank you for following along for the last 10 years and being a huge part of it! I have been posting a lot about our move on my Instagram and my tiktok, so you can catch up on all things there!
Lauren Emily Wiltse
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