I absolutely love the dalmatian print trend! If you haven’t seen this print yet, get ready, because it is going to pop up everywhere soon. As you may have seen, I recently moved into a new apartment. The best part has been being able to decorate! I decided to base my whole room theme off of the dalmatian spot print and I can’t wait to finally finish everything and show you all!
The best places I have found the print are on Etsy and Society 6! I bought this cute wall print from Etsy (buy it here) and my pillows and blankets are from Society (buy the pillows here and blankets here). By the way, this blanket is THE softest thing ever so I definitely recommend!
The other thing I have been obsessed with is this phone case that is also by Society 6 (buy it here)! I’ve found a ton more items online and from Target to add to my room so I can’t wait to share! Here are a few more items I have my eye on:
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Lauren Emily Lindmark
Copyright © 2016 dailydoseofcharm.com
It’s all so cute! I definitely think I’m going to enjoy this trend. Those wall prints are so cool : )
Steph x.
I am already obsessed (as you can see haha)! Thank you steph 🙂