If you have been following me on Pinterest and seeing all my apartment pins (sorry for the overload) you may have noticed that I have some big changes coming for myself. I decided to do something that I have always thought about doing on my blog, which is be honest about my struggles.
I have been dealing with anxiety since high school, I used to wake up almost every morning and be so nervous for my day that I would physically get sick. That’s something that about 4 people know about me, but I wanted to finally share it on my blog because I know I’m not alone and I don’t want anyone else to feel alone. Anxiety statistics are scary these days, I can’t tell you how many people I have talked to about my anxiety and they say “I have it to.” In fact approximately 40 million American adults (18 & older) have an anxiety disorder – that’s 18% of people. On top of that, people these days are being effected younger and younger which makes me sad.
I can’t sit here and say “people are getting more anxiety because of this, this, and this,” because honestly sometimes anxiety comes out of nowhere and I think that’s the worst part. However, I definitely think people have more pressure on them these days with school, expectations, social media, and comparing themselves. That all definitely adds to it.
If you are interested I can share more of my anxiety story and how it specifically effects me, but for this post I wanted to share where I am now. Recently I have decided it’s time to focus more on me and grow on my own. Along with anxiety, I have also been dealing with stomach issues for the last few years that I am slowly figuring out, although at times I feel like I just hit dead ends. Because of that I decided not to move into my sorority house this year like I had planned and I am taking a lighter course load. I am so blessed for all my supportive sisters, family, and friends who have helped me come up with a plan and especially for my parents for all their love and support along the way.
So tomorrow I will be moving into my first-ever apartment and starting the next chapter of my life. I look forward to growing more as a person and bettering myself and conquering more of my anxiety and health issues as they come. Get ready for apartment tours and fun DIY’s – this year will be exciting! Thank you to everyone who supports and reads my blog, you all have given me a passion and a job that I love and that makes me so happy. Because of you I am able to get through hard days.
With love,
Lauren Emily Lindmark
Side note: since I am moving I listed a ton of clothing on my Poshmark so I can downsize! Go check it out! username: @lauren_lindmark or link https://poshmark.com/closet/lauren_lindmark
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