Bar Cart (on sale)
Rosé Lemonade (non-alcoholic)
Organic Lemonade (non-alcoholic)
Owl Bottle Opener
Pretty Straws
“Rosé All Day” print (small)
“Rosé All Day” print (large)
Being 19 sure as heck did not keep me from getting a bar cart in my new place! I am obsessed with decor and I love spending hours online designing new rooms and finding fun pieces to add to my home. When I decided to move into my new place it was pretty much the perfect opportunity for me to actually use one of my passions to design my perfect apartment (RIP bank account). One of my favorite things about my apartment is my bar cart.
I decided to keep my bar cart simple and not too crowded. Even though I am under 21 I wanted to still display cute drinks on my cart. I had seen these cute lemonade drinks (rosé and regular) all over Instagram so I took to google and searched until I found them! They look so delicious (I haven’t actually tried them yet) and I like how they look like wine bottles! I also bought Sprite in glass bottles and pineapple juice to put on the cart to add some more drinks and color.
So fun fact if you don’t already know this about me, I don’t drink caffeine. I LOVE coffee and sweet tea, but caffeine messes with my anxiety too much so I haven’t drank anything with caffeine in over two years. However, a lot of my best friends (shout out to Emily & Lily) drink coffee religiously so I decided I just HAD to buy a cute white Keurig for my place (plus I’m hoping to start drinking coffee again soon but we shall see). I thought this would be adorable on my bar cart so that’s where its home is for now!
For little accessories I found this adorable owl bottle opener on Etsy and put it next to a mason jar full of pretty straws. The next shelf has this adorable “Rosé All Day” print in a 5×7 frame and this fun blogging mug my sister gave me for my birthday filled with white roses! Above my cart I found another simple “Rosé All Day” print and put it in a gold frame from Wayfair!
I want to do a whole post on how I designed my apartment, but to do a quick summary: I used photoshop! I went online and found certain accessories or furniture I wanted to design my place after (for my bar cart I started with the actual cart), then I went online and found more details that I liked to add to the photoshop photo. When I was 100% happy I purchased everything and it came together exactly how I thought! Here is the copy of the photo I made on Photoshop:
I still want to add a tray under my wine glasses and get some fake peonies to add some color, but for now I am so happy with how it turned out! I will definitely do an updated post when I turn 21. Let me know what else I need to add!
More bar carts:
Lauren Emily Lindmark
Copyright © 2016 dailydoseofcharm.com
This is so cute! I love how you put flowers in that coffee cup! I have the same Bloggin Day cup! Now I really wanna go buy some flowers.
Caitlyn | http://www.collegewithcaitlyn.com
Thank you!! I love all my coffee mugs, but this one is definitely my favorite! You should buy some flowers for yours 🙂
Your bar cart is too cute! Love it!
Thanks Katie!!