It’s the most wonderful tiiiimeee of the year! I hope you just sang that in your head! I am just the happiest person right now. Although I have been a little stressed (this time of year gets overwhelming and crazy busy), I have spent a lot of my “me time” decorating and getting into the holiday spirit! It has really made me appreciate this time of year! I am almost done decorating my room and I swear it is the coziest room you will ever see! I am so happy with it! I will definitely be posting a room tour soon.
Can you believe this dress is under $100?! If you could try it on and it feel it I swear you would think it was a few hundred at least. It’s such nice material and amazing quality! So for a nice “Christmas Cocktail” style dress this one is surprisingly inexpensive! Did I mention it also comes in black? Can’t wait to wear this to some nice Christmas dinners around the holidays! Someone actually messaged me the other day and asked if I knew of any good velvet dresses that are for sale right now and I completely forgot to send her this one, I am going to link more at the bottom of this post!
| Dress (under $100 and also comes in black) |
I actually shot these photos a few weeks ago while the leaves were still colorful and vibrate! It was weird shooting so early for Christmas, but I found this amazing wall while driving around downtown with my family and I thought it would be perfect for my Christmas Card photos! If you didn’t already know, I am hosting a “Blogger Holiday Card Swap” this year for the second year in a row! It is so much fun to receive so many cards in the mail and connect with new bloggers! Sign ups for this year has ended (we had 40 people sign up and I decide that was plenty!), but make sure to join next year if you are interested!
Check back on the blog tomorrow for a HUGE holiday giveaway! I am super excited to share it with you all, I have been purchasing products for months in preparation! Can’t wait for y’all to see!
More Velvet Dresses:
Happy Holidays!
Lauren Emily Lindmark
Copyright © 2017 dailydoseofcharm.com
what a cute gif!! and so pretty–I hope your Monday is Merry–Katelyn/www.theyellowspectacles.com
Oh my goodness! You look so beautiful and I am obsessed with this red dress! Your excitement about the holidays are making me want to get into the festive spirit 🙂
Mia | http://www.verymuchmia.com
Aw thank you!! This is the best time of year!!
You look gorgeous! I’m shooting my photos this weekend and can’t wait to start getting cards form everyone!
Ahh can’t wait to receive yours!!