| Top ($9.99) | Jean Shorts | Lip Color |
Deciding what to wear to a party is like the biggest decision you’ll ever make in college. Okay not really – but if you’re a girl like me you do put a lot of thought into it! When I went out for the first time at KU I remember texting all of friends asking for outfit opinions. Going out in college is a lot different that high school! Obviously every school is different, but for most colleges you dress up more to go out. Here are a number of different options for you all…
#1 ($14.99)
#2 ($13.99)
#3 ($13.99)
#4 ($11.99)
#5 ($9.99)
#6 ($11.99)
#7 ($9.99)
#8 ($8.99)
#9 ($12.99)
#10 ($12.99)
#1 ($11.99)
#2 ($12.99)
#3 ($19.99)
#4 ($16.99)
#5 ($13.99)
#6 ($16.99)
#7 ($10.99)
#8 ($10.99)
#9 ($13.99)
#10 ($11.99)
Pants / Jumpsuits
#1 ($15.99)
#2 ($12.99)
#3 ($14.99)
#4 ($16.99)
#5 ($23.42)
#6 ($18.02)
#7 ($15.99)
#8 ($21.99)
#9 ($8.89)
#10 ($17.99)
Lauren Emily Lindmark
Copyright © 2016 dailydoseofcharm.com
*The top was sent to me by Shein, however, all opinions are always my own.