Can you believe I have been blogging for three years?! I still remember the excitement and fear I felt when I first started my blog. I remember worrying so much that people I knew would find out, I was a person who was constantly worried what people thought and just needed to fit in. However, my blog taught me to think differently. It made me realize the happiest and most successful people are the ones who don’t care what people think and that go after their goals! It wasn’t long until I was proudly sharing my blog with everyone!
My blog “technically” started my sophomore year of high school, 5 years ago. After doing some brainstorming for blog names, I finally came up with Daily Dose of Charm. I’ve always liked the word charming and after thinking up a million combinations of the word and other phrases, daily dose of charm just sort of stuck! So, I asked my dad to buy the domain Daily Dose of Charm that year and he did. I knew nothing about web development or where to start, so from there I would draw out photos of what I wanted my website to look like and write down ideas for blogposts.
It wasn’t until two years later during my senior year I finally built up the courage to start it. I can’t believe how far I have come. I have learned so much and it has really shaped me into who I am today. It is so cool to think back to 3 years ago, taking photos on my iPhone and posting every few weeks. Now I own a professional DSLR and average five posts a week! Posting daily (or at least during the week days) was always a goal being “Daily Dose” of charm, I am so proud of myself for working up to this point! I have worked with dream companies such as Neutrogena, Bed Bath and Beyond, VIZIO, Marley Lilly, Red Dress Boutique, and more!
My blog has helped me through the hard times and documented the good times. It’s scary to put yourself out there, my blog is like my diary and I know that with every post I am opening up more and more of my life to strangers and even people I know in my real life (which is honestly more nerve-racking because those are the people we have to face). However, I wouldn’t have done it any differently and I wouldn’t give up this little corner of the internet for the world! It makes my day to see comments from regular readers and others bloggers I admire, and I love hearing from new followers too! I just feel so genuinely lucky, thank you, thank you, thank you, for following along on here!
I know I talked about this after my breakup, but I really wouldn’t be where I am today without this blog and all of you who read it! Even through my darkest times I have always turned to blogging and talking to people in this community. You guys really are the best thing to ever happen to me, thank you for giving me this. Thank you for reading. Thank you for commenting. Thank you for following along. Thank you for supporting. Thank you.
| Teddy Bear Coat (ONLY $35, also comes pink HERE & white HERE and super similar one here & here) | Sweater (comes in 3 colors) | Denim Jeans (similar here) | Booties (similar and come in 4 colors) | Sunglasses |
Now I’ll move on from the blogging stuff – even though I could talk about that for days! Let’s talk about this outfit. I have been crazy over Teddy Bear Coats lately! I am not sure if that is the actual name for these coats, but it’s all I can think of haha! I have wanted one so bad, but I feel like they’re all so expensive, that is, until I found this one for $35!!! Can you believe that?! It is as soft as it looks, I love it!
I paired it with my red/coral sweater because I liked the pop of color. Honestly though, there are so many ways to wear this. There are days I am going to throw it on with just leggings, dress it up with heels and colored pants, or wear it over a cute skirt! On a side note, I love this sweater from Madewell! I wore it tucked into my jeans and it looked so adorable!
I hope y’all have an amazing weekend!
Lauren Emily Lindmark
Copyright © 2017 dailydoseofcharm.com
This is a really lovely look dear! I love the colors of the sweater and the coral sweater and blue denim, and the neutrals of the coat and the booties. Really lovely combination.
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
Thank you 🙂
Happy 3 Years!! Blogging is so much more than just fashion and I totally get it! Thanks for being real and you all of the time!
Aw thanks Alexa!
Happy 3 years!! I love hearing how other bloggers started 🙂 You have come so far and should be so proud of yourself!! I still kind of worry about what people think of me having a blog but I definitely get more confident as time goes by!
xo, Allie
Aww thanks Allie! You shouldn’t worry at all girl, your blog is amazing and you should be so proud too!
Congrats on your 3 year blog anniversary, I hope to one day be a long that is half as good as yours, with as many loyal and loving readers. I am in the same boat you are and that I have no publicly shared my blog because I am scared of what my friends and family might think. It’s so hard to share myself, my whole self on the internet so I keep it as minimal as possible, and as anonymous as I can make it. You really do inspire me to take better pictures, and make better content. Thanks so much for reaching out to me and being a great role model in the blogging world.
megan | MySprinkleofPrep.wordpress.com
Aw Megan this comment made my day! Please don’t be scared, I can promise you sharing my blog with the world is the best decision I have ever made! Who cares what people think, this is your life and you need to do what make you happy!
Love the teddy coat! So cute <3
Thank you 🙂
Congrats Lauren! This is such a big accomplishment. I’m still on my first year of blogging, and I definitely still have a LOT to learn. I am trying to improve every day though! I love what you said about your blog being like a diary– it’s so true and as a reader I always appreciate your openness! Excited to see your growth from here 🙂
Mia | http://www.verymuchmia.com
Thanks Mia! You defiantly have the right mindset of blogging, we all have to work to keep learning everyday 🙂
Lauren, you are too cute! Happy blogiversary! I’m so happy that I found your blog. It is seriously a daily dose of charm each and every time 🙂
xo Logan
Aww you’re so sweet! Thank you! 🙂
happy blogiversary!! So exciting
and I love how dark your jeans are…need to go shopping for some! They look so crisp
AW thanks girl!
I had a feeling it was going to be a Forever 21 coat!! It’s so so lovely, and I can’t believe how inexpensive it is!
Happy Blogaversary bu the way!!!
Lucie, xx
Thanks Lucie!!
This is amazing, Lauren! Congratulations!! You look so so happy!!
Aw thanks Hannah!