I have been obsessed with phone cases every since I got my first iPhone – and I was never the girl that could have only one! I feel like phone cases are just another accessory to your outfit. There are always too many cute ones to choose from, practically every brand sells them nowadays! So I’ve rounded up my phone cases that I’m using right now to share with y’all (in photo order)!
Clear White Lace Phone Case by CasesByLorraine
Clear Quote Phone Case by LovinaCases
Kate Spade Hello Sunshine Gold Case
Black and White Sophisticated Case from Simply Monogram
Red and Blue Whale Case by Brant Point Prep
Navy and Pink Case by Pink and Lime Design
Lilly Pulitzer Lobstah Roll Case
I also have this one that I left in my car and couldn’t take pics of (oops)
Lilly Pulitzer Hot Pink First Impressions Case
And these are the ones I want next..
So to sum it up: yes I have a problem with buying phone cases. I usually try to upgrade to new iPhones when they come out (I’m a technology freak), but when the iPhone 7 comes out I don’t think I will be able to part with my collection. Which one is your favorite?
Lauren Emily Lindmark
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