Last year I did a post like this where I went through every month of the year, talked about my monthly highs and lows, and recapped my favorite blogposts. I can honestly say that 2018 was my best year yet! If you have been following me for awhile, you would know 2017 was a rough year. I pride myself in being someone who can find the best in everyday, but I had a lot of hardships. That quote about not knowing how good something is until you experience the bad couldn’t be more true. I truly think God took me through a hard time just so I could learn to take control and know how good my life really is.
I had so many huge milestones of 2018. I hit new business and blog records, posting 203 times on my blog in 2018. I took my Instagram from 10,870 followers to 14,779 with 322 posts and over 187,600 accumulated likes. I learned a lot about blogging and feel really confident about where I am at.
When it comes to my personal life, it couldn’t have been a better year. I met the most amazing guy on New Year’s Eve last year and never would have imagined he would be such an important person in my life a year later. I have realized how blessed I am to have the people in my life in 2018, saying goodbye to toxic people and only surrounding myself with my amazing friends and family. I moved in with my best friend and watched the people in my life accomplish amazing things (my sister is graduated and engaged, my best friend is about to start a new amazing job, and everyone has kicked ass this year). Overall 2018 has been incredible!
I want to take you guys through every month and talk about my highs, lows, memories, and more! Here’s to another amazing year!
– January –
I kicked off the year with a bang! Starting with meeting my boyfriend, Cam, on NYE. I think this was God’s way of saying he had a plan for me in 2018, starting with the people in my life. Cameron is the most amazing guy I have ever met! We are doing a full post on 12/31/18 talking about how we met, etc. so that’s all I will say for now!
I had such a fun year of adventures, starting with a not-so-planned trip to Las Vegas in January! My family and I were in Knoxville, Tennessee with some family friends, planning on heading to New York City, when a huge snowstorm hit in the East. We had to make a new game plan fast, so we decided to go to Vegas! The storm was messing up a lot of flights so we decided to fly private. This was the first time I had ever been on a private jet and it was one of the coolest experiences ever! I still feel so blessed and lucky thinking back at it.
My Favorite January Posts:
Favorite Post: My New Year’s Resolutions
Favorite Post: Where Did I Go Instead of New York City?! | + The Coolest Experience of My Life
– February –
Every February I head to Scottsdale, AZ to see my little sister in her horse show and see my BFF that goes to ASU! It is always so fun! My boyfriend and I had our first date in February, coincidentally on Valentine’s Day haha! I got to work with one of my favorite boutiques, Red Dress Boutique, in February and it was the first time they sent me a HUGE package of clothing. I was so shocked and excited! I ended up working with them multiple times this year!
My Favorite February Post:
Favorite Post: The Swimsuit you Need for Spring Break | Spring Break Week 2018 OOTD 📍 Scottsdale, AZ
– March –
The beginning of March I went to Las Vegas again for my best friend’s 21st birthday! We met our other best friend (the one that goes to ASU) and it was a blast! We went to the Demi Lovato concert and it was definitely a highlight of my year. After that trip my family and I went to Bora Bora and Tet’oria. It was THE best family trip we have ever been on! The islands were breathtaking and I will never forget that adventure!
When I got back from my trip Cameron met my parents for the first time. Him, my cousins, my dad, and I all drove to Nebraska together for the Elite 8 College Basketball game to see KU. I was so nervous for them to meet, but after spending 8 hours in the car together nothing went wrong and they got along haha! That night he officially asked me to be his girlfriend and I was so excited!
My Favorite March Post:
Post: (Coco)nuts for Bora Bora | OOTD 📍 Bora Bora, French Polynesia
– April –
In April I turned 21 and my family and I went to Nashville to celebrate! That was pretty much the only highlight of that month! It was a blur 😉 Haha totally kidding!
My Favorite April Post:
Favorite Post: It’s My Birthday!! | 21st Birthday Post
– May –
The beginning of May a ton of my family and I drove down to Oklahoma together for the first U2 concert of their most recent tour. It was SO fun! My dad and I went to the Saint Louis show a few days later. Then mid-month we went to one in Omaha! I have so many memories of my dad and I going to their concerts so it makes me happy getting to do that with him!
My boyfriend came to our lake house for the first time which kicked off a long summer of us going together! We are actually both here right now with my family as I am typing this, I love getting to share my happy place with someone I love!
My cousin, Patrick, moved to Kansas City this month and it has been so fun having him close by! My boyfriend and him have gotten close so it was a fun summer of going to Hot Country Nights, Top Golf, and other adventures!
I also hit 365 days straight on My Fitness Pal! Still going strong at day 578 now!
My Favorite May Post:
Favorite Post: Periwinkle Romper & Blonder Hair for Summer | OOTD
– June –
June was filled trips to the lake, two of my best friend’s birthdays, my sister’s birthday, my best friend from Arizona coming home, and more celebrations! My dad, cousin, and I went to New York City for a day to see U2 at the Apollo Theater which was such a cool once in a lifetime experience! I seriously stood in the crowd and cried with my dad!
Other than that, I went to a Royal’s baseball game, went to my sister’s horse show in Kentucky (which was beautiful), and spent a ton of time with my boyfriend and friends!
My Favorite June Post:
Favorite Post: I am Wearing this Romper Backwards | OOTD (fail?)
– July –
We spend July 4th at the lake which is always one of my favorite summer traditions! July was a huge month when it came to the business side of blogging. The Nordstrom sale began and I hit record sales through my blog! I had so much fun putting together posts for the sale and hearing the amazing feedback!
My Favorite July Posts:
Favorite Post: The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is OPEN to Everyone | See My Favorite Picks + Outfits I Haven’t Shown You Yet
Favorite Post: Summer Hair Necessities | OOTD + My Favorite Summer Hair Products
– August –
In August my boyfriend, friends, and I spent a few more fun weekends at the lake. I had to say goodbye to my long distance best friend after going to one last Hot Country Nights with her. Then I celebrated my cousin’s birthday at Top Golf, along with five other of my best friend’s birthdays this month. My boyfriend and I also went to a PGA Tournament which was so cool!
So far the whole year was going smoothly, however, I had been feeling super run down. I kept blaming it on my new medication I was taking for my acne. It was a diuretic and I though it was making me dehydrated. One night I noticed my throat started to hurt and I woke up the next morning with so many white bumps in the back of my throat. I went to CVS for a strep test and the nurse decided to test me for mono too. IT CAME BACK POSITIVE! All of a sudden all those tired weeks made sense, I spent a majority of the rest of the year feeling run down.
My Favorite August Posts:
Favorite Post: What I Use EVERYDAY from the Sephora Sale + My Wishlist | OOTD
Favorite Post: Back to School Clothing Under $30 | HAUL
– September –
I kicked off September at the lake for Labor Day Weekend. Then I went to the Taylor Swift concert with a ton of friends which was definitely a highlight of my year! I also moved into a new apartment with my best friend!
I had been working hard the last few months to revamp my Instagram and post more “day to day” content. I posted a blogpost all about my Instagram Tips this month because I was finally figuring things out. It was a super popular post in 2018!
My Favorite September Posts:
Favorite Post: I Moved! Sneak Peak of my new apartment!
Favorite Post: How I Boosted my Instagram Engagement by 50% in Two Months | Tips & Tricks
– October –
One of my resolutions of 2018 was to put myself out there, say yes to more opportunities, and to work with local KC companies. I am incredibly shy so I hadn’t done anything all year to get out of my comfort zone. In October I was contacted my an old friend who was working on a video for a local hair salon. She asked me if I wanted free NBR hair extensions in exchange for being in the video. I had been wanting to try NBR extensions so I said yes! This started a whole chain reaction of me saying yes and putting myself out there the rest of the year!
One of the highlights of my year was this month when I went to Kentucky with my boyfriend and his grandparents for Keeneland. His grandparents own some race horses and it was so cool to experience that with them!
My Favorite October Post:
Favorite Post: All About My Natural Beaded Rows Extensions (NBR Q&A) | + OOTD
– November –
November was one of the best months of the year! It started with a trip to Vail with my boyfriend and his family for his uncle’s wedding. It was so much fun, I love Colorado and it was a fun way to kick off the holiday season! It was also my 4th blog anniversary and my puppy’s 5th birthday. We got our first snow in KC (I love snow so this was definitely a highlight) and I also went to a blog event at the Roasterie and won free coffee for a year!
For the holidays I went to my boyfriend’s family Thanksgiving then went to the lake for ours. I love all the family time this time of year!
My Favorite November Posts:
Favorite Post: What I Wore in Vail | OOTD + Vail Recap
Favorite Post: My 4th Blog Anniversary | + Cute Holiday Pajamas
Favorite Post: A Fall Outfit that Matches the Autumn Leaves | OOTD
And finally we make it to December! I love the holidays, so this whole month was amazing! It was filled with so much family time and holiday blogging (which may be my favorite kind). My sister also graduated AND GOT ENGAGED!
My Favorite December Posts:
Favorite Post: Black Friday Try On Haul | VLOGMAS WEEK 1 VIDEO
Favorite Post: Matching PJs with my Puppy | Merry Christmas Eve 2018
I feel so blessed for an amazing 2018. A huge thank you to everyone who made this year the best one yet! I cannot wait for 2019 and all that it brings. Get ready for an exciting 2019 announcement coming soon!
Lauren Emily Lindmark
Copyright © 2018 dailydoseofcharm.com